Stone Conveyors

Moving stone easily, without risk!
When we think about splitting and working stone we shouldn't forget that we are talking about shifting vast quantities of varying material, perhaps even tonnes, of all different shapes and sizes.
The person working on the production line has the responsibility of controlling the whole production process. However, there is no point in increasing the manual workload, using up more time and labour, by having to continually shift heavy materials.
Through our partnership with Mec we have answered this problem by offering a range of conveyors - Movimentazione Pietra. The whole production cycle becomes more rationalized - stone is transported more efficiently and easily, at the same time as lessening the physical workload.
These industrial conveyors are able to cope with transporting the heaviest of stone, positioning is made particularly easy when these are combined with other devices from the 'Movimenatzione' range such as pincers and manipulators.
We have a vast range of products available which should readily satisfy the needs of all our clients.